I've been in a big fat creative rut this month. The weather has been terrible, my 'real' job has been stressing me out more than usual, and I've been in a funk because I haven't produced anything new in a while. I have some outstanding & looming projects that I need to get finished, so in an attempt to get some creative spark, I decided that I would take the time to work up a finished piece based on a sketch I did recently of Yutte Stensgaard as 'Mircalla' from the film 'Lust for a Vampire' (1970).
'Lust for a Vampire' has never really been a favorite of mine, but it's been growing on me. This is the second film in Hammer's 'Karnstein' trilogy. The first being 'The Vampire Lovers' (my favorite), and the third being 'Twins of Evil'. I've been on a 70's Hammer Horror kick this month, triggered by the recent DVD release of 'Vampire Circus' (1972) to DVD/BluRay. I enjoyed 'Vampire Circus' so much, I decided to go back and re-visit some of the Hammers from that time period, that I don't really watch as often as some of the earlier films. Re-watching 'Lust' I find that I actually do enjoy it. It might not be as good as 'Lovers' but it does have it's own charm. And Ralph Bates, who I never tire of looking at.