Some time in December, I was reading the blog 'Strange Kids Club' and there was a post about David Hartman re-drawing a Casper the Friendly Ghost cover. Artists doing their own versions of old comic covers?! What a great fun idea!! So I followed a link to this blog called 'Covered'. A few days after I found this blog, as luck would have it, there was a post entitled 'Like Minded Sites' which included 'Repaneled' where artists recreate interior comic panels, 'Cornered' where artist recreate those little boxes that appear on the top left of comics that usually have the price and date (if I'm wrong feel free to correct me), and 'Rejected by Covered'. Rejected by Covered is just that. If you didn't make the cut at Covered, then Rejected will post it. I have to show the banners for these two blogs because they're so great.
In the comments of Covered's 'Like Minded Sites' there was a post regarding a new blog starting on 1/1/11, called 'RePulped' where artists remake pulp fiction covers. I decided that I had to do this one first! Originally I had a sci-fi cover picked out as my first submission, but it's one of those things that's probably going to take me a while to finish. I wanted to do something quick and fun, so I went with this simple Ghost Stories cover. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I will get to the sci-fi cover when I have more time. It's all sketched out and everything. I also have a 'Covered' type project that I want to do here on the blog, that is going to be a tutorial of sorts.
You can see my Ghost Stories piece on RePulped here.
And Anthony Vukojevich liked my piece enough to plug me on 'Repaneled' here.
Repaneled is also something I would like to do in the future. I have a few ideas already!